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Healthy Moms Eating Well for 2

A prenatal nutrition program designed to help you give your baby the healthiest start in life.

We offer

  • Home, phone or virtual visits
  • Grocery cards for healthy foods
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Meeting with dietitian
  • Smoking cessation counselling
  • Infant feeding information and support
  • Infant care and information

Pregnant adolescents and women 


To make a referral
Call the Healthy Moms Eating Well for 2 Outreach Worker at 519-587-2441 or 1-800-265-8087 Ext 407

The Agency endeavours to provide a Scent-Free environment for the safety and comfort of all. Please refrain from the use of scented products when attending any of our sites and/or programs.
© 2024 Haldimand-Norfolk REACH