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Adult Protective Services

REACH Advocacy, Prevention and Service Coordination is a program where a staff person is available to help you:

  • find a place to live,
  • sort out concerns with your landlord,
  • connect with a lawyer if you have to go to court
  • connect with Ontario Disability Support Payment Program (ODSP) for money to pay your rent and other bills,
  • negotiate with your ODSP workers,
  • prepare a budget to help you look after your finances,
  • and, connect with other community resources and services that could be helpful to you.

This worker will also offer support as an advocate in situations where you feel you have not been treated fairly.

This service is available to adults who have a developmental disability and live in Haldimand or Norfolk county.

How much does this cost?

For more information
Call Developmental Services Ontario Hamilton-Niagara Region at 1-877-376-4674

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© 2024 Haldimand-Norfolk REACH